Whitepaper: Generative AI in healthcare

and its role in the future of the industry

Bence Lukacs

Bence Lukacs

Experience Design Lead

Petra Olah

Petra Olah

Product Strategist

Free Download Healthcare ChatGPT AI
11 January, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force across several sectors, and its potential to enhance the healthcare industry is particularly promising to our society.

AI-powered tools can facilitate more accurate diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans, and enable precision medicine by utilizing the vast amounts of data generated within the healthcare ecosystem. However, despite its tremendous potential, the adoption of AI in healthcare has been relatively slow compared to other industries.

Past efforts to integrate AI into healthcare have primarily centered on large-scale research projects like speeding up drug discovery or utilizing machine learning algorithms for early diagnosis and medical imaging, such as radiology, CT scans, or detecting skin cancers.