ideas define the future

The OTP Ideaportal has been built for the innovators all across the bank's organisation. It ensures that their vision gets heard and implemented to build the bank of the future.

OTP IdeaPort main screen
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The future of a business is created by great ideas

The Ideaportal connects the complete organisation of OTP in a pursuit to create the bank of the future. It makes sure that great ideas are heard and implemented, no matter where they arise within the organisation. It also helps to channel creative energies into the initiatives that the organisation needs the most.

How can banks stay innovative?

Financial services traditionally reveres security and stability over innovation, but a growing emphasis on the latter has increased dramatically in recent years. Rapid changes in consumer needs as a result of globalisation, liberalisation and digitalisation, along with the explosion of challenger fintechs, force banks to move faster than ever. Banks are becoming both more innovation-focused and technologically advanced not just to respond to these new consumer expectations, but also to create new streams of revenue and reach an unprecedented level of operational efficiency through automation. 

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Every innovation starts with a person and an idea of how to make things better. One of the most important principles of innovation management is that the best ideas usually surface at the operative levels of the organisation.

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They are the people who meet customers every day, struggling from old routines and experiencing gaps in the service provided. They recognise the problems and wait for better solutions to arrive. They are the employees who keep the everyday operation in motion and naturally spot efficiency bottlenecks that slow them down. Some just realise problems, but many also burst with ideas on how to solve them. 

The OTP Ideaportal has been built for these innovators: it ensures that their vision gets heard and implemented to build the bank of the future.

Our Client: OTP LAB

OTP Bank is the dominant market leader of the Hungarian retail banking sector and also one of the largest independent financial services providers of the CEE region with subsidiaries in eight countries. OTP Bank has always been a pioneer of digitalisation, and to bring its innovation game to the next level it has created OTP Lab, an innovation hub for developing the banking products and services of the future. 


An innovation platform to connect and empower thinkers from all levels and divisions

OTP Lab’s most important mission is to enable and foster innovation within the bank by providing the right tools and processes for internal talent to discover the next generation of banking.

The Lab reached out to Supercharge with the ultimate goal to design and develop an innovation platform (Ideaportal), that enables the Bank to start and run ideation campaigns, track and record implementation processes and increase engagement.

The goal of the Ideaportal is to provide infrastructure for an innovative organizational culture by involving and encouraging employees of different departments to participate in solving issues and seeking better ways to serve customers.

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To run complex innovation campaigns, the new platform had to provide flexibility when setting up a new challenge and provide customized interfaces for various roles: the administrator, the judges and the idea submitters, often gathered into cross-functional teams.

Given the banking environment, the application is dealing with a significant amount of highly sensitive data, so the platform must meet the highest compliance standards of data protection.

OTP Lab does not intend to stop at Hungary: we created a system that enables further extension into bank subsidiaries and other third-party entities that drive innovation and strengthen the position of OTP Group in the region.

This is how we made it happen

To kick off the project, we organised Product Discovery Workshops with stakeholders and domain experts to gather all relevant insights and expectations from previous innovation campaigns. At its core, Ideaportal is a framework to run innovation campaigns, where most of the content is generated by the participants.

We wanted to create a platform that not only engages employees through exceptional user experience design but also provides unique gamification elements to keep up motivation and drive participants for higher performance. To drive motivation to use Ideaportal, we conceived a system where feedback is provided on each and every stage of the submission, evaluation, mentoring and implementation process of an idea. 

We were determined to create a buzzing community around challenges: for a platform to be alive, it needs to be used frequently on a daily basis. Users can leave comments and support other ideas by investing their virtual money into them. By doing this they can collect different badges and gain appreciation, which can be potentially integrated with the bank’s reward system and become part of their remuneration. 

The innovation engine is already humming

Ideaportal has been launched in pilot mode and already produced stellar results as the bank’s future innovation engine. Within just two weeks, more than 30 ideas were submitted. Ideaportal also had 330 registered users, a 54% activation considering the number of employees in the participating division.

OTP Lab has already started to pitch the innovative concept of the portal to the neighbouring countries’ bank subsidiaries, which received a great reception. The Croatian and Romanian branches showed high interest and hopefully, they will be ready to introduce the system in 2020.

Internal platforms implemented with careful design thinking and pursuing clear strategic goals can bring your organisation’s effectivity to the next level in many different domains. We are happy to help you to start this journey.

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