Supercharge projects - fintech headerSupercharge projects - fintech header

we help finance sector transform in the wake of an open future

In the financial sector, the majority of customer interactions already occur in the digital space. This creates exciting challenges and opportunities to redefine sales and customer engagement in a new data-driven world. We help banks create best-in-class digital experiences in an increasingly demanding market, radically improve the performance of their digital workflows, and build data solutions with rapid and practical impact. With over a decade of experience in the sector, we deftly manage the complexities of this highly regulated space while designing and building the next generation of digital products.

a banking platform paving the path to the future

mobile and online banking platform
product strategy, product design, software engineering, support
2M + users
OTP bank app
OTP bank appOTP Bank CartOTP Bank RestaurantOTP Bank Entertainment LogoOTP Bank Money Logo
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edutainment for financial literacy

educative mobile game
product strategy, product design, software engineering
iF Design winner
Platypus main screen
Platypus main screenPlatypus spaceship assetplatypus asset
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mobile loans to fight poverty

micro financing app
product design, software engineering
iF Design winner
Bina Artha app
Bina Artha appBina Artha blue assetBina Artha yellow assetBina Artha elephant assetBina Artha blue rod asset
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becoming a mobile powered bank

mobile banking app
product design, software engineering
100K+ users
Sweep Bank x Supercharge case study - main screen
Sweep Bank x Supercharge case study - main screenSweep Bank x Supercharge case study - visual assetSweep Bank x Supercharge case study - visual assetSweep Bank x Supercharge case study - visual assetSweep Bank x Supercharge case study - visual asset
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disruption at its best

mobile banking app
product design, software engineering
6M + users
btpn x supercharge case main screen
Jenius applicationbtpn x supercharge case visualsbtpn x supercharge case visuals
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